Thursday, August 8, 2024

Apecoin- Yuga Labs/Bored Ape Yacht Club's crypto

Here's the longest podcast/interview with two of the Board Ape Yacht Club founders, Gargamel and Gordon Goner, on Full Send podcast.  This is nearly an hour and a half long, and the best interview I've seen with these guys, though it's a year old right now.  

Starting with the launch of Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT's in the spring of 2021, they put out other NFT series, bought Crypto Punks and Meebits, and then created the Otherside gaming and NFT metaverse.  The Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT's were launched in April of 2021, and, according to Google, Yuga Labs, now just over three years old, has a $ 4 billion market cap.  Apecoin is the crypto coin they created as a currency inside the Bored Ape/Otherside ecosystem.  Unlike a LOT of cryptos out there, the crew at Yuga has been actually building and creating a whole variety of projects, a solid ecosystem, and are actually focused on building a real community, and not just saying that like many crypto projects just looking to get rich quick.  Do your own research to find out more about Apecoin, Bored Ape Yacht Club, and Yuga Labs.  

My first investment idea here on White Bear Investment Ideas blog is to buy Apecoin.  
Apecoin is the Yuga Labs crypto for Bored Ape Yacht Club and Otherside.  As I'm writing this, Apecoin costs 61 cents per unit.  You can buy it on crypto exchanges, like any other crypto.  Always use safe practices when buying crypto, and there will be a gas fee charged as well, so keep that in mind.  After buying any crypto, you'll want to transfer it to a hard wallet for safety.  If you don't know how to do that, get online and learn how to buy crypto safely, should you choose to buy some.  

Why I like Apecoin:  I liked Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT's, just for the pictures of the apes.  I was just starting to learn about crypto and NFT's in the fall of 2021, and the Bored Ape NFT's had gone up from a $200 mint price to a floor price of around $25,000 to $30,000 per Ape NFT.  The highest price paid for a Bored Ape NFT is $3,408,000.  Unlike most NFT's, anyone who buys a Bored Ape NFT also owns the Intellectual Property for that APE, and a number of people have done all kinds of projects using their Bored Apes.  

The time frameI think Apecoin will hit $6-$7 or higher by mid to late 2025, or maybe early 2026.  This is a buy now, forget about it, and hold for a year or more investment idea.  

Where I see Apecoin going:  My general outlook is that, right now, in early August 2024, is that we are heading into a major recession.  I see stocks heading down through most of the second half of 2024, and crypto may drop a bit more, too.  But I think crypto, overall, is pretty bottomed out already.  Bitcoin was at $54K yesterday, and has bounced back up to around $62,000 today.  

With the recession, interest rates will start going down over the next year, as will inflation.  The banking system/economy will hit a serious crisis point, and the major bailouts will start.  At some point, The Fed will start buying assets like U.S. treasuries again, and will work to createand pump new money into the system again.  The Fed will do this in attempts to get the slowing economy going again.  Once that happens, money will flow into stocks again (early to mid 2025?) and then into crypto.  When the money supply starts growing again, a bunch of money will flow into Bitcoin, and this current crypto bull market will head up again.  

After BTC, Eth, and the major cryptos start heading up again, flippers and investors will start going deeper into crypto alt coins/shit coins, and a whole bunch of alt coins will start shooting up in price.  Apecoin, backed by all the actual products Yuga Labs has created, and is creating, will shoot up.  

Apecoin peaked at about $27.90 per coin shortly after the mint.  Then it dropped and hovered from about $4 to $7 per coin through much of 2022.  My outlook is that Apecoin should easily pop up to $6 to $7 per coin in the later part of this crypto bull cycle.  So that's 10X to 12X rise from today's price.  I wouldn't be surprised to see Apecoin pop to $15 to $20 or more in late 2025 or 2026.  But I think $6 to $7 per coin is a completely reasonable price once money flows into the economy, and crypto, again.  

So that's my first investment idea on this blog.  As always, do your own research and due diligence, and contact anyone professionals needed before making investment decisions.  Read the Disclaimer, linked above.

I do not own any Apecoin at this point, mostly because I'm homeless, and can't even open a crypto account for the time being.  I do not have any personal or business connection with Yuga Labs, Bored Ape Yacht Club, or any of the people involved with these projects.  

There are no paid links in this post.   

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